Facebook for archaeologists

If the human race continues, the period we live in will be studied by archaeologists in the future. Will Facebook be available to these future archaeologists? Imagine - instead of digging in the dirt to find bones or pottery - the future archaeologist is rummaging through old digital files. These files are in an archaic format, only available to the select few. The year is 3020 and historians want to know how the human race arrived where it is.

Your pictures of family will be studied. Your "BubbleCoCo" requests will be scrutinized. Your pro-Trump or anti-Trump posts will be examined for clues into insights for this era.

I think about this sometimes when I'm posting photographs (I know - nerdish, right?). I wonder if my hometown of Fries, VA will still be recognizable then. I wonder if the flora and fauna that I love to feature will still be in existence? Will our way of living even be recognizable 1000 years hence? 

Give this some thought the next time you post to Facebook. What will you represent to someone 1000 years in the future?

I started this blog entry a couple of years ago, but didn’t post it. It has occurred to me in the meantime how important Facebook is to us even in the current day. I’ve been on Facebook for 10 years or so. I can go back and see what I was doing 10 years ago and look at pictures of my 10 year younger self and family. Facebook is the closest thing most people have to the old photo album. We all have a vested interest in Facebook working out its issues and ensuring its survival.