
I remember when I was seven years old. My Mom came into my bedroom and said in a sing-song voice "~Kevin ~Kevin - look outside". I woke up and there was a beautiful glow in my bedroom. It was just before dawn. I jumped up and the hill outside my window was covered in snow. No school today!

I'm now FIFTY seven, but the prospect of snow still gets me excited. The weather gurus were calling for snow tonight, but no more than a dusting. We came to Fries anyway just to be here for the weekend.

The snow started coming down, though. I went out at 2 in the morning to walk and enjoy the beauty of the snowfall.

So if you live in Fries and heard scrunchy footsteps by your house at 3 a.m. or saw snow-covered footprints in the middle of the street - it was me. I got pictures for you - you're welcome.

Check out my Facebook page for more pictures.

Oh - and by the way - don't eat yellow snow!  ;-)

Memory - my dad at Gene Warrick's

My dad and I are sitting outside Gene Warrick's (in the Providence Community, near Fries, VA) one Saturday in say 1975. He points to the neon-lighted clock hanging over the door. It says 2:10. It has said 2:10 for as long as I can remember. He tells me that it said 2:10 when he left to get on the train in 1942 to serve in WWII. Thirty-three years - I think to myself in 1975 - that's a long time ago - impossibly long. 

Thirty-three plus years have passed like a flash. The clock has since been taken down. I wish I had a picture of the clock. I wish I had more pictures of my dad.


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